
Our insuring partners provide dedicated expertise within the Lloyds market and provide access to niche insurance products, through H&B our clients are able to access solutions for international film and television productions.

Film Production Insurance

Film Production Insurance (including liabilities) - covering films for theatrical and/or television release.

Advertising & Liability

Advertising and Liabilities insurance - covering advertising agents and/or advertisers for lost costs and expenses should a shoot be delayed or cancelled for reasons beyond their control. Death and Disgrace of a key artist is also available.


Contingency Insurance - protection against cancellation, non-appearance, abandonment, postponement or relocation. We can also assist with cover for non-appearance of key performers or speakers.

Employers Liability

Employers’ liability insurance is designed to protect a production against the cost of compensation claims arising from employee illness or injury, which may of occurred whilst working for your company.

Professional Indemnity

Professional Indemnity Insurance covers the legal liability arising from professional services in the event that a third-party claims to have suffered a loss as a result of professional negligence by an insured party.